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  • Monty Python Round-Up 2017

    Launch of new 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' book

    March this year saw the release of Monty Python’s latest book "Monty Python's Flying Circus: Hidden Treasures". Never before has the story of the Pythons been so brilliantly told, in words, rare and unseen photographs and fascinating examples of removable and on-the-page facsimile memorabilia. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into the official Monty Python archives by ordering your copy here.

    Aberystwyth University launched research project on Monty Python

    The Monty Python Memories Research Project was launched by Dr. Kate Egan of Aberystwyth University in August.

    The project explores the different ways in which Monty Python and their comedy have been experienced, engaged with and valued over the years, by people of all ages, nationalities and walks of life.

    Dr. Kate Egan, an authority on media audience research is leading the research and said of the new project: “Clearly, and after nearly fifty years, Monty Python’s popularity has continued to grow… I’m interested in people’s thoughts, experiences and memories.”

    There is still time to take part in the study by answering a short research questionnaire. You can find it here

    Spamalot UK Tour

    Monty Python’s Tony Award winning musical "Spamalot" kicked off its UK tour in September. The tour runs until April next year, before moving on to South Korea in June. Based on the 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the musical follows King Arthur as he travels with the Knights of the Round Table in search of the Holy Grail.

    Don’t miss the chance to see the show at a theatre near you. Further ticket information can be found here.

    John Cleese Live On Stage

    From Jacksonville to St. Louis, John recently wrapped up his U.S.A. tour which saw him answering questions live on stage following a screening of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    One Boston theatregoer said of the show, “Holy Grail was as wonderful as I'd remembered, but the talk with John Cleese afterwards was priceless.”

    Another in North Carolina commented “What a great pairing! Watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail again after all these years was a delight. Listening to John Cleese hold forth after the movie was a rare, wonderful treat.”

    More dates have now been added to the tour for 2018. Click here for full details. 

    Launch of 'Book of Silly Walks'

    Illustrator David Merveille delighted Python fans with the release of “Monty Python's Book of Silly Walks” which features one of the best-loved characters from Monty Python's Flying Circus, Mr. Teabag in his most iconic silly-walk poses. 

    Order your copy here.

    Bringing 'Life of Brian' to a Cinema Near You

    Next year marks the 40th anniversary of "Monty Python’s Life of Brian", and, in November, we partnered with Trafalgar Releasing (formerly Picturehouse Entertainment) to bring the film to a cinema near you.

    Trafalgar Releasing are taking bookings for the film via a new website, wewantbrian.com.

    Trafalgar Releasing’s CEO Marc Allenby said of the partnership, “...From The People's Front of Judea, to ex-lepers and bearded lady’s we’ll ensure audiences have a fun packed time during the momentous 40th anniversary celebrations later in 2018.”

    You can book a screening and find out more here.

    Launch of Re-designed Monty Python Online Store

    In November, we launched our newly-designed Online Store – the home of all official Monty Python merchandise.

    Enjoy browsing our “Stuff for Money” here

    We reached over 500,000 subscribers to the YouTube channel

    This year we reached over 500,000 subscribers to the official Monty Python YouTube channel.

    The channel hosts all of our official videos - clips of classic Flying Circus sketches and scenes from Holy Grail and Life of Brian as well as new content, including “Quote-A-Long” videos, “Sneak Peaks”, music videos, “Sing-A-Long” videos and more.

    Are you a subscriber

    Monty Python's Big Red Book Banned in Texas Prisons

    Along with many other seemingly harmless titles, Monty Python’s Big Red Book has been banned in Texas state prisons, whereas books including Mein Kampf do not appear on the list of prohibited titles by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

    Monty Python’s Big Red Book has been banned because it contains nudity and sexual images.

    You can read the full article by Edward Helmore for The Guardian here.

    Michael Palin's Archive at the British Library

    In June, Michael donated some of his archive to the British Library. The archive covers 1965-1987 and includes ‘Python Notebooks’, his personal diaries kept during this period, and project files comprising material relating to his film, television and literary work.

    Some of this material, will be on display in the Treasures Gallery in 2018. Exhibition dates: 7 August 2018 – 11 November 2018. For more information visit here.

    Coming up in 2018

    There are big things to come in 2018, including an exciting new Monty Python project which we'll be announcing early in the new year.  

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Monty Python Wins the British Comedy Academy Lifetime Achievement Award 2014
15 April 2015
"Stephen Hawking Sings Monty Python... Galaxy Song" Press Coverage
14 July 2021
Holy Grail Recipes - A Shrubbery
7 June 2015
"Monty Python Live (mostly) – One Down Five to Go" Shortlisted for a Broadcast Digital Award

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